Monday, December 3, 2012


It's getting so close to the end of the semester and I am sure everyone is just as excited as I am!! I have had a great semester this Fall and I loved all my classes. (Especially this one.) I cannot wait until I can get rid of this semesters hefty book load though and exchange them for my Spring classes. It is so crazy how quickly this Fall has flown by. I cannot speak for everyone, but as for myself I feel like this semester just started. I am also very excited at how all my grades have turned out. I shocked myself with my perseverance to keep up with everything! Anyway, good luck on all your upcoming finals and have a wonderful Christmas break!! :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

When Things Get Rough

Lately, things at home haven't been the easiest to handle. Even with the holiday I just haven't been feeling like myself lately. I seem to not be happy with my home life and my relationships with friends and loved ones and even myself. I feel like I am loosing my grasp on everything. For example I have been working hard to be mentally prepared to work off a few pounds, but I feel incredibly HUGE lately and I hate everything I wear, because it feels like I am squeezing into it. I also haven't been able to control my mouth, I will freak out and yell at even the slightest upset. I am stressed out from being a poor college student all the time, and I feel like there isn't many of my friends who can relate to me right now. Maybe its just the seasons changing and lack of sunlight that is driving bonkers or maybe I really am hitting a slump. Comment below and let me know how you handle stress and upsets in life. Maybe we can help each other! :)

Monday, November 19, 2012


I love the holidays and this year I wanted to do something really special for my puppy Quinns' first Christmas. I planned on getting her new bones, treats, and a few toys, but I just wasn't convinced that any of that was going to be fun or exciting enough for her. (I know, she is a dog, but I spoil her.) So anyway I decided to take to Pinterest and find something more exciting. Once I got on Pinterest it took about 5 minutes to figure it out. Instead of buying her a bunch of expensive holiday treats I have decided to make her homemade treats with all her favorite ingredients!
The link above took me to a recipe where I could learn to bake special treats and even substitute some ingredients out for others. I cannot wait to try this out. And I may even post pictures of my completed ones once I finish them. I have also decided to make these treats for the rest of my family and their puppies since we all have so many four legged babies running around its only fair. I have started work on the gift baggies and baskets that I will display them in as well. Hobby Lobby has been my savior, these last few days. :) I love the holidays!!
Comment below on cool homemade gifts you have given or received throughout the years, I would love to get some more awesome ideas!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Smile Like There Is No Tommorow!!

Recently I have encountered a rather unpleasant dilemma. I am sure many other have dealt with the as well, but it was a rather new experience for me. I went to a birthday party this past weekend, it was my friends' friend, but what I didn't know was that the girls whose birthday it was just recently started dating my ex. Blah blah blah right I am sure this has happened before, but it was a rather unusual situation, because
1. the girl is significantly younger, skimming the age of illegal for him
2. we had a horrible break up
3. up until three weeks ago he was showing up at my work trying to apologize for everything
4. right before the party she added me on Facebook and I saw all her pictures of him and her together also with the dog I bought him.

All being said I am not jealous of them, because I know I made the right decision when I decided to leave, but it still stings a bit. The poor girl has no idea the history between us and I am not going to say anything, but it also make me worry a little for her. Anyways my advice for anyone in that situation is just to smile and be a mature lady. There is no reason be nasty to one another and possibly ruin the evening, and no matter how upset it makes you, nothing good comes from overreacting. Comment below and tell me your advice.. :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Today is election day!! WHOOOOO!! I don't know about you, but I sure am excited! Now I know a lot of people didn't register to vote today and I'm sure even more people don't agree with who I voted for, but none of that matters. What does matter is that no matter what, you exercise your American right to vote and let your voice be heard. I will say that in each candidate this year I found many things I didn't agree with, but that doesn't change my opinion that you should still vote. In order to get over all the things I didn't agree with in each candidate my friends mom sat down with us and told us not to worry about petty things that they may stand for, because in order for them to change whatever it may be it will have to pass through Congress first. We need to focus on rebuilding our country and you need to vote for the candidate whom you see doing just that. Without every ones vote, is how we end up with a president or a bill passing that our general public disagrees with. SO GO OUT AND VOTE!! :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I LOVE to craft and I LOVE to organize so I was ecstatic when I found this idea. I recently just moved into a new home with a few friends and my very first thought is I have to do this to organize our bills in a cute way! This is so simple to make as well. All it is, is a large thin cork board that you can find at any hobby lobby store. Then take a ruler and measure out the weeks and days then use a permanent marker or even your favorite ribbon to define the lines. Then simple either use crafting letters or printer paper to determine the month and date number each month. Then when an event pops up or a bills comes up you can simply post it on the calendar for everyone to be notified. It also adds as a cute decor and keep let everyone in the home know what may be going on on certain days with another roommate for example a Scentsy Party!! ;)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Portions on Thanksgiving?! Who Knew?!?

I have a huge problem with portion control especially around the holidays. Everything looks, smells and tastes so great that it's hard to know your limits. My down fall for the Fall season is pumpkin pie! I love it so much!! So while looking through new recipes for the holidays I came across a really great idea for helping you control your intake during this delicous holiday season. Since my problem is pumpkin pie I decided to use this as an example, but you can do this with almost any dessert, and if you really want to watch how much you eat, then you can use this as a measurement to eyeball how much you need on your plate. Instead of making a pie where you can easily eat too much depending on the size of your piece, you should make cupcake versions! It is much easier to control how many cupcakes you eat because they all have a standard size and the left over cupcake wrappers is a perfect indication of how many cupcakes you just stuffed down. It also helps because you don't have any carbs from the crust to worry about. Use the link below to find the recipes.