Monday, September 24, 2012

"Sock bun"

Over the weekend, I was with a few friends getting ready to watch the UFC fights and I was in need of a cute, but simple hair style. I decided to log in to my pinterest account and see what I could find. Then I found the "sock bun". It is a rendition of the "ballerina bun", yet larger and a little more casual. I wanted to share this because it is absolutely perfect when you are in a rush, yet it looks elegant and can be made more dressy for work or casual for going out and trying to keep your hair out of your face.

Step 1: Take a long sock and cut just the toe part off.

Step 2: Roll the sock tightly into a bagel/doughnut shape.

Step 3: Tie your hair into a pony tail directly in the center of your head. (the height of the bun is up to your discretion)

Step 4: Take the sock and pull the tip of your pony tail through the center.

Step 5: Slowly roll the sock down your pony tail while your hair follows.

Step 6: Once at the base of your pony tail, bobby pin the bun in place and spray with hairspray.
(This is the blog I used for help.)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thinsporation: Positive Reinforcement or Negative?

I was reading an article the other day and it was discussing the imminent problem arising within the US. What could it have been? OBESITY. Of course people are still frantic about the continuously rising weight of average Americans today, because it is still very detrimental. But I on the other hand have come across some equally scary eating habits. A friend of mine introduced me to a blog on Tumblr called Thinsporation. The blog is open to everyone so people post and share their stories and pictures for everyone to see. Now I love to be healthy and eat right and work out, so I normally get meal plans ans work outs from Pinterest, but apparently this blog has been spreading like wild fire to help "end" obesity. As I scrolled through this blog it became apparent to me that this was not a site to teach young girls to be healthy, but more of a destructive site to give you tips on how to starve yourself and the pictures are of anorexic models and dancers as inspiration. I realize we need to get help as a country to end obesity, but are we putting to much pressure on young adults to be "healthy" and "thin" that it is acceptable to promote anorexia and bulimia?

Keeping It Classy

I have been noticing more and more that people of all ages have lost the connection from the Internet and real life. Now I know that statement can mean many things, but what I am talking about, I am sure EVERYONE can agree they have seen it as well.

Have you ever logged into you Facebook or Twitter account and saw a post someone put up and your immediate thought was "who in the world would post that for everyone to see?!?" Well I most definately have! Over the past weekend I saw a picture that I thought I would never see pop up on my news feed. Then it happened. BOOM!! A Facebook friend of mine posted a picture of herself with only her panties on and her boyfriend standing behind her covering her breasts with his hands. I couldn't believe she was so comfortable with plastering her almost naked body all over the internet for all to see. To make matters worse she is a new mother! I understand that Facebook is ours to control and so we see it as our private site to post whatever we feel, but people need to remember that although we can control what is posted and who sees it (to some extent), we cannot control what someone else does with it. It is easy to share other peoples picture and take screen shots of almost anything now to spread it farther across the internet. Who knows it could also become the tope picture of you on a Google search if you type in your name. No one controls where things on the internet end up so its dangerous to think of the internet as a dumping ground for your entire life and all your feelings. Remember on the other side of that computer screen is another person looking at everything you post. Don't post anything you wouldn't want you grandmother, or future children to see!

To see the top 10 things not to do or post on a social networking site CLICK HERE! (to see the count down hit the "keep reading" button at the bottom of the text.)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Nights in the City, Melting Pot Style

This Google Map is of the area where the restaurant, Melting Pot, is located. I wanted to post this map, because over the past weekend I had the pleasure of eating there for the first time with my family and it was amazing! I loved every minute of it. The food was delicious and the restaurant itself was very nice. I decided to share this with everyone because I thought it would be helpful information when deciding on a place to go for an anniversary or even a small date. Who knows it may also become a favorite birthday spot. It's always nice to share experiences with other so I figured this was a great opportunity and I really would recommend it to anyone celebrating something, or even just wanting a romantic night in the city. :) P.S. If any of you do go in the near future don't be afraid to comment and tell me how is was and if you liked it!!

Fun & Flirty

I wanted to make this post as well as the one about hair, because I know make-up is a very popular search for YouTube videos. I also thought it would go along with the back to school theme I had last week. I chose this specific video because I think you can be girly and beautiful without caking on make-up especially when we all are still young and have youthful beauty. I know everyone wants to look older, but I feel that the less make-up you wear the more natural you look which shows true beauty, and I think its important for young girls everywhere to remember that. This is a simple, quick look that focuses more towards using light make-up and trying to emphasize the natural features of girls. For example the woman in the video uses white eyeliner to simply make her eyes look more awake and draws you to them. She also doesn't use heavy foundations to make her look tanner. (if you don't need foundation, don't use it!! It only adds to acne!!)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sleek in Seconds

This week I wanted to show a girlier side to the blog so I decided to post about quick and easy hair styles to do for school. We all hate waking up super early for anything especially to do your hair and make-up, so in the video is 5 easy, heatless hair styles that you can quickly throw together before class. I chose this particular video, because it included multiple styles that are all simple but add a classier touch than just a volumous pony tail. These styles also work on pretty much any hair type which is a plus. I hope you enjoy!! :)