Monday, November 12, 2012

Smile Like There Is No Tommorow!!

Recently I have encountered a rather unpleasant dilemma. I am sure many other have dealt with the as well, but it was a rather new experience for me. I went to a birthday party this past weekend, it was my friends' friend, but what I didn't know was that the girls whose birthday it was just recently started dating my ex. Blah blah blah right I am sure this has happened before, but it was a rather unusual situation, because
1. the girl is significantly younger, skimming the age of illegal for him
2. we had a horrible break up
3. up until three weeks ago he was showing up at my work trying to apologize for everything
4. right before the party she added me on Facebook and I saw all her pictures of him and her together also with the dog I bought him.

All being said I am not jealous of them, because I know I made the right decision when I decided to leave, but it still stings a bit. The poor girl has no idea the history between us and I am not going to say anything, but it also make me worry a little for her. Anyways my advice for anyone in that situation is just to smile and be a mature lady. There is no reason be nasty to one another and possibly ruin the evening, and no matter how upset it makes you, nothing good comes from overreacting. Comment below and tell me your advice.. :)


  1. I think every girl has been through this situation at one time or another. With the guy I always trying to be nice up until they start dating and the girl has absolutely no clue about any of it. While, it might itch and you really want to say something, the best thing to do is keep it classy, smile, and keep quiet. Because sooner or later she'll find out on her own. :)

  2. AGREED! I don't think saying anything would make things better for anyone involved. And to be completely honest it doesn't sound like you want anything to do with him anyway so why risk being bothered by him anymore by saying something? You go girl!!
