Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Today is election day!! WHOOOOO!! I don't know about you, but I sure am excited! Now I know a lot of people didn't register to vote today and I'm sure even more people don't agree with who I voted for, but none of that matters. What does matter is that no matter what, you exercise your American right to vote and let your voice be heard. I will say that in each candidate this year I found many things I didn't agree with, but that doesn't change my opinion that you should still vote. In order to get over all the things I didn't agree with in each candidate my friends mom sat down with us and told us not to worry about petty things that they may stand for, because in order for them to change whatever it may be it will have to pass through Congress first. We need to focus on rebuilding our country and you need to vote for the candidate whom you see doing just that. Without every ones vote, is how we end up with a president or a bill passing that our general public disagrees with. SO GO OUT AND VOTE!! :)


  1. agreed. I hope the wait wasn't too long for you today! You sound like a reasonably intelligent girl so I'm sure you made the right choices! ;)

  2. Ha I forgot to register to vote, actually. But, if I would have, I would have definitely voted.
