Monday, November 19, 2012


I love the holidays and this year I wanted to do something really special for my puppy Quinns' first Christmas. I planned on getting her new bones, treats, and a few toys, but I just wasn't convinced that any of that was going to be fun or exciting enough for her. (I know, she is a dog, but I spoil her.) So anyway I decided to take to Pinterest and find something more exciting. Once I got on Pinterest it took about 5 minutes to figure it out. Instead of buying her a bunch of expensive holiday treats I have decided to make her homemade treats with all her favorite ingredients!
The link above took me to a recipe where I could learn to bake special treats and even substitute some ingredients out for others. I cannot wait to try this out. And I may even post pictures of my completed ones once I finish them. I have also decided to make these treats for the rest of my family and their puppies since we all have so many four legged babies running around its only fair. I have started work on the gift baggies and baskets that I will display them in as well. Hobby Lobby has been my savior, these last few days. :) I love the holidays!!
Comment below on cool homemade gifts you have given or received throughout the years, I would love to get some more awesome ideas!!


  1. Hahah that is so cute! I usually just go with the generic toy or treats for my dog but, anything really works for him haha! What kind of dog do you have? Our bigger dog (not our Shih-Tzu) just had puppies and we're giving them away as Christmas puppies hahah!

  2. :) @Kiley: I love that you are SO excited about making these for your dog.... I am not really a dog person nor do I have one but my favorite part of this post is that you are just as excited for these dog treats as I am when I do Black Friday shopping for my kids! You must really love her! as for the answer to your question: My grandma hand makes all of her cards that she sends out for every and all events throughout the year. She's that lady that knows everyone's birthday (even friends and church members) and anniversaries and sends a handmade card. So for my birthday and christmas she usually gives me a box of cards since I don't have the time to do them myself but can still follow in her footsteps of sending them! so fun!
